PySCF Interface

The PySCF interface allows CIDER functionals to be used in the PySCF software package. Most CIDER models are only availabe in the non-periodic version of PySCF, but SDMX functionals can be performed with periodic boundary conditions if pseudopotentials and a uniform XC integration grid are used. We note that the latter feature is particularly experimental.

This documentation assumes you are familiar with the PySCF code and have a working installation of the software. For PySCF documentation, please see the PySCF website.

The main module CiderPress users need to be familiar with is ciderpress.pyscf.dft, which contains tools to turn a standard Kohn-Sham DFT calculation into one that uses a CIDER functional. See the module documentation for details.

For those interested in the experimental periodic boundary condition feature for SDMX functionals, please see the ciderpress.pyscf.pbc.dft module documentation.