- ciderpress.pyscf.dft.make_cider_calc(ks, mlfunc, xmix=1.0, xc=None, xkernel=None, ckernel=None, mlfunc_format=None, nlc_coeff=None, nldf_init=None, sdmx_init=None, rhocut=None)
Decorate the PySCF DFT object ks with a CIDER functional mlfunc. If xc, xkernel, ckernel, and xmix are not specified, the equivalent of HF with CIDER in place of EXX is performed. The XC energy is
- If CIDER is X only:
E_xc = xmix * E_x^CIDER + (1-xmix) * xkernel + ckernel + xc
- If CIDER is X + C:
E_xc = xmix * E_xc^CIDER + (1-xmix) * (xkernel + ckernel) + xc
- NOTE: Only GGA-level XC functionals can be used with GGA-level
(orbital-independent) CIDER functionals currently.
- Parameters:
ks (pyscf.dft.KohnShamDFT) – DFT object
mlfunc (MappedXC, MappedXC2, str) – CIDER exchange functional or file name
xmix (float) – Fraction of CIDER exchange used.
xc (str or None) – If specified, this semi-local XC code is evaluated and added to the total XC energy.
xkernel (str or None) – Semi-local X code in libxc. Scaled by (1-xmix).
ckernel (str or None) – Semi-local C code in libxc.
mlfunc_format (str or None) – ‘joblib’ or ‘yaml’, specifies the format of mlfunc if it is a string corresponding to a file name. If unspecified, infer from file extension and raise error if file type cannot be determined.
nlc_coeff (tuple or None) – VV10 coefficients. If None, VV10 term is not evaluated.
nldf_init (PySCFNLDFInitializer)
sdmx_init (PySCFSDMXInitializer)
rhocut (float)
- Returns:
A decorated Kohn-Sham object for performing a CIDER calculation.