The XC Evaluator Modules
- class ciderpress.dft.xc_evaluator.MappedDFTKernel(fevals, feature_list, mode, multiplicative_baseline, additive_baseline=None)
This class evaluates the XC term arising from a single DFTKernel object, using one or a list of FuncEvaluator objects.
- ciderpress.dft.xc_evaluator.get_vec_eval(grid, coeffs, X, N)
Call the numba-accelerated spline evaluation routines from the interpolation package. Also returns derivatives
- Parameters:
grid – start and end points + number of grids in each dimension
coeffs – coefficients of the spline
X – coordinates to interpolate
N – dimension of the interpolation (between 1 and 4, inclusive)
- class ciderpress.dft.xc_evaluator2.MappedDFTKernel2(fevals, feature_list, mode, multiplicative_baseline, additive_baseline=None)
This class evaluates the XC term arising from a single DFTKernel object, using one or a list of FuncEvaluator objects.
fevals: FuncEvaluator