Installation of FLARE


  1. Create a new conda environment to install flare

conda create --name flare python=3.8
conda activate flare
  1. Use conda to install compilers and dependencies for flare

  • Option 1: You can load modules if your machine have already installed them (with mkl)

module load cmake/3.17.3 gcc/9.3.0 intel-mkl/2017.2.174
  • Option 2: If you want to install flare with mkl

conda install -y gcc gxx cmake mkl-devel mkl-service mkl_fft openmp -c conda-forge
  • Option 3: If you want to install flare with openblas + lapacke

conda install -y gcc gxx cmake openmp liblapacke openblas -c conda-forge
  1. Download flare code from github repo and pip install

git clone -b development
cd flare
pip install .

Developer’s installation guide

After loading modules as above, we use cmake to compile the c++ code

git clone
cd flare
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

Then copy the c-library file into the python code folder to make it importable through python

cp _C_flare*.so ../flare/bffs/sgp
cd ..

Finally, add the path of flare to PYTHONPATH, such that you can import flare in python.

export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:<current_dir>

An alternative way is setting sys.path.append(<flare path>) in your python script.

Test FLARE installation

After the installation is done, you can leave the current folder and in the python console, try

>>> import flare
>>> flare.__file__
>>> import flare.bffs.sgp

You can also check that the flare C++ library is linked to mkl (or openblas and lapacke) and openmp by

ldd /xxx/.conda/envs/flare/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flare/bffs/sgp/_C_flare.*.so

where it is expected to show libmkl (or libopenblas), libgomp etc.

Trouble shooting

  • If it fails to build mir-flare during pip install, check whether you have done conda install cxx-compiler, then it sometimes does not find the correct g++, i.e. which gcc gives the conda’s gcc, while which g++ still gives the local one. In such case, try conda uninstall cxx-compiler gxx, and then redo conda install gxx -c conda-forge

  • If you get the error that mkl.h is not found during pip install, first check conda list that mkl-include is installed in the current environment. You can also use your own mkl headers by setting environment variable MKL_INCLUDE to the directory

  • If you manage to install flare, but get warning when import flare.bffs.sgp, then please check

    • which pip should show that pip is in the .conda/envs/flare/bin/ directory, instead of others

    • the ldd command above should show the linked libraries in the .conda/envs/flare directory

  • If you encounter Intel MKL FATAL ERROR when running flare (after the compilation has done), this is likely a static library linkage issue. You can set up the environmental variable


as instructed in this discussion.

Acceleration with multiprocessing and MKL

Sparse Gaussian Process model

We use OpenMP for parallelization, so please set

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=<number of CPUs on a node>

such that the model parallelized into OMP_NUM_THREADS threads.

Full Gaussian Process model

If users have access to high-performance computers, we recommend Multiprocessing and MKL library set up to accelerate the training and prediction. The acceleration can be significant when the GP training data is large. This can be done in the following steps.

First, make sure the Numpy_ library is linked with MKL or Openblas and Lapack.

$ python -c "import numpy as np; print("

If no libraries are linked, Numpy_ should be reinstalled. Detailed steps can be found in Conda manual.

Second, in the initialization of the GP class and OTF class, turn on the GP parallelizatition and turn off the OTF par.

gp_model = GaussianProcess(..., parallel=True, per_atom_par=False, n_cpus=2)
otf_instance = OTF(..., par, n_cpus=2)

Third, set the number of threads for MKL before running your python script.



The “n_cpus” and OMP_NUM_THREADS should be equal or less than the number of CPUs available in the computer. If these numbers are larger than the actual CPUs number, it can lead to an overload of the machine.


If gp_model.per_atom_par=True and OMP_NUM_THREADS>1, it is equivalent to run with OMP_NUM_THREADS * otf.n_cpus threads because the MKL calls are nested in the multiprocessing code.

The current version of FLARE can only support parallel calculations within one compute node. Interfaces with MPI using multiple nodes are still under development.

If users encounter unusually slow FLARE training and prediction, please file us a Github Issue.